Types Of Detox For Drug And Alcohol Addiction Near Boston
At the moment you’re prepared to make the first move toward drug or alcohol recovery, you need to start with detox treatment. In detox, your body gets rid of the harmful substance. It's not always a simple process, however it can be made more tolerable through a medically guided detox. But is the process of detox the same for all?
Your experience in detox is largely dependent on what substances you’re using. There are numerous types of detox in Boston, and the professionals at Sunrise Detox Millbury are able to determine the right program for you.
If you need to detox from drugs or alcohol, contact us at 508-506-8940, and we’ll help you begin your road to recovery.
Do I Need Detox In Boston?
Detox permits your body to flush out harmful drugs so you are able to begin your recovery. But keep in mind, stopping the use of alcohol or drugs with the intention of detoxification isn't an easy undertaking. You might experience devastating withdrawal symptoms as your body recovers -- particularly if you stop abruptly. Some symptoms might even be deadly without medical care. The majority of individuals who attempt detox alone cannot withstand withdrawal and begin using again immediately.
Medically guided detox is the right plan of action for a productive and safe detox from drugs and alcohol. Throughout this process, trained clinicians check your core vital signs and mitigate symptoms to maintain your health and comfort.
If you need help prevailing over an alcohol or drug addiction, reach out to Sunrise Detox Millbury at 508-506-8940 now. We’ll make certain you complete detox comfortably and safely at our state-of-the-art treatment center.
Types Of Detox Near Boston
Just as there are various kinds of dependency causing drugs, there are various types of detox for drug and alcohol addiction in Boston. When you enter our facility, we’ll inquire about what substances you have taken so that we know how to assist you. Contingent on your physiological and psychological state at intake, we’ll design a tailored detox plan for your unique needs.
There are some similarities to all treatments at Sunrise Detox Millbury. At the outset, you’ll enter the facility and go through a quick examination that about your physical and mental state. We’ll also confirm your insurance plan and present you with a nicely furnished room to rest. Our staff will design a customized care plan that permits you to detox in a safe and comfortable manner. Then as you continue to get better, you are urged to attend group and individual therapy. In advance of your departure, we’ll also establish an aftercare plan that outlines the right track to a long-term recovery.
Just know, regardless of what drugs you must detox from, your safety and comfort are our foremost concerns. Regardless of what you have in your system, you’ll get outstanding care provided by compassionate staff in a friendly environment. While your precise plan may be different, here is what you may plan for in the various types of detox near Boston. You are also able to call 508-506-8940 anytime to ask a question.
Alcohol Detox
Alcohol is one substance where it can be dangerous to quit suddenly or control withdrawal symptoms by yourself. If you drink heavily or have a dependency on alcohol, you ought to get specialized assistance with alcohol detox. You will in all likelihood encounter withdrawal symptoms like:
- Mood fluctuations and irritability
- Anxiety
- Headaches
- Insomnia
- Excessive sweating
- Nausea and vomiting
- Weakness
- Fevers
- Gastrointestinal distress
- Heart palpitations
The professionals at Sunrise Detox will help with all symptoms. Throughout alcohol detox, we check your core vital signs and give you medicine to increase your comfort. We typically administer controlled amounts of Librium to ease anxiety and help you feel relaxed over the course of alcohol detox.
Many individuals complete alcohol detox in ten days, though it may require a longer stay in more intense cases. Regardless of how long it takes to detox from alcohol, we will accommodate your specific needs and only release you once you have a solid aftercare plan prepared.
Benzodiazepine Detox
Benzodiazepines are sedatives often prescribed to treat anxiety and insomnia. They include:
- Alprazolam (Xanax®)
- Lorazepam (Ativan®)
- Midazolam (Versed®)
- Chlordiazepoxide (Librium®)
- Clonazepam (Klonopin®)
- Diazepam (Valium®)
- Triazolam (Halcion®)
Sadly, benzos are addictive and a challenge to detox from. At Sunrise Detox, we assist you in tapering off the drugs and address any benzo withdrawal symptoms, including:
- Nausea
- Tremors
- Headaches
- Heart palpitations
- Aches and pains
- Anxiety
- Panic attacks
- Cravings
- Seizures
Benzodiazepine detox will differ from other types of detox seen near Boston as you may feel fine as detox commences. But over the course of a few days and as the sedative leaves your body, the worst withdrawal symptoms hit. We will carefully track your state as you advance, and make certain you taper off gradually so you keep comfortable.
Most people complete benzo detox in seven to ten days. As you start feeling better, we’ll work with you to determine the next stages of benzodiazepine use recovery following detox.
Opioid/Opiate Detox
Opiate and opioid drugs are potent painkillers that come with a chance of addiction. They include:
- Heroin
- Fentanyl
- Oxycodone (OxyContin®, Percocet®)
- Hydrocodone (Vicodin®)
- Morphine (Kadian®, Avinza®)
- Codeine
- Methadone
Addiction to opioids/opiates is often very hard to overcome, but Sunrise will help. Over the course of opioid/opiate detox, we track your vital signs and use evidence-based techniques to mitigate
- Nausea
- Pain
- Sleeplessness
- Anxiety
- Restless legs
- Other regular withdrawal symptoms
We usually rely on Suboxone to help patients taper off opioids because it has a reduced chance of addiction in comparison to alternative addiction treatment drugs.
Suboxone reduces your withdrawal symptoms so you can finish detox as smoothly as possible. Our professionals are skilled at carefully administering doses of Suboxone at the right time to steer clear of complications. Ultimately, we taper you away from Suboxone as your health improves.
Most of our patients conclude detoxing from opioids within 7-10 days, but you may need more time in a severe case. You could still experience various withdrawal effects at that time, but we will aid you in finding an appropriate rehab center for ongoing care before we release you. We want you to detox successfully and ultimately recover from opioid addiction completely.
Stimulants Detox
A good deal of stimulants may be taken safely long-term. With that being said, if you’ve become caught up in the habit of taking too much, you’ll start to notice a negative impact and could need our assistance to come down to safe levels. We will help you detox from stimulants such as:
- Caffeine pills
- Methylphenidates (Ritalin® and Desoxyn®)
- Amphetamines (Adderall® and meth)
- Ephedrine
- Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine®)
- Cocaine (crack)
Stimulant detox is a little different from other types of detox in Boston. You may be able to taper off of stimulants without enduring potentially hazardous effects. But you’ll have an easier time of it when under the care of knowledgeable professionals who will help you navigate the less critical but still uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms like:
- Lethargy
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Slowed heart rate
- Psychosis
- Cravings
At Sunrise Detox, we get you stable and closely observe your heart rate over the course of stimulant detox. We can provide small doses of drugs like Valium to offset the stimulants in your system. We’ll also address any distress you’re experiencing. Above all else, we provide a protected place to reside without access to more stimulants to prevent a potentially devastating overdose or relapse.
You should plan to feel better within a week of starting stimulant detox. In advance of your departure, we’ll assist you in locating continual support for controlling your stimulant use.
Marijuana Detox
Marijuana detox is dissimilar to all other types of detox for drug and alcohol addiction in Boston because it isn't detox in the traditional sense. Marijuana generally exits your body rapidly without producing withdrawal. However, if you use marijuana heavily, you might experience some unfavorable effects if you refrain from using it. And you could have difficulties quitting if you take it to control psychological or physical disorders.
If you need support in cutting out marijuana, we will provide the help you need. We can provide treatment for anything you experience after quitting marijuana, such as:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Irritability
- Insomnia
- Headaches
- Stomach pain
- Shakiness
- Fever
- Cravings
In a matter of days, you are likely to be able to shift to another facility with a lower level of care and counseling for managing your marijuana dependency.
There are instances where our patients enter treatment to detox from more serious habit-forming drugs while also having weed in their system. If this is the case, you also must detox and abstain from weed while we treat you for other things. These other substances will have more influence over the kind of care you receive and the length of your stay at Sunrise.
Call Now To Start Detox At Sunrise Detox Millbury
Reach out to us today if you need to detox from drugs or alcohol. The skilled pros at Sunrise are here to help. Dial 508-506-8940 or fill out the form below. We will reply in a prompt manner to get you the support you are in need of. We are ready for you today.

Dr. Christopher Rienas brings a wealth of experience and expertise to his role as a Medical Director at Praesum Healthcare. Double board-certified in both Addiction Psychiatry and General Psychiatry, Dr. Rienas continues to elevate our programs treating substance use and mental health disorders with his deep understanding of addiction and psychiatry.